#OneDevMinute with Ahmad Awais

pudl — JavaScript Static Site Generator for Quick Prototyping

4 months ago In JavaScript

pudl is a shiny new JavaScript based Static Site Generator that I recommend you to use for quick Prototyping of static sites. It's for now just meant for HTML and CSS both of which are generated via gulp workflow that compiles pug and sass for you.

🐶 What Can pudl Do?

  1. Live reloads browser with BrowserSync.
  2. CSS: Sass to CSS conversion, error catching, Autoprefixing and CSS minification.
  3. Watches files for changes in CSS.
  4. Corrects the line endings.
  5. InjectCSS instead of browser page reload
  6. Sends message notification to you.
  7. Prevents pipe breaking caused by errors.
# PREREQUISITE: Before getting started read all in this repo
# http://github.com/maedahbatool/pudl
# STEP #0: Download + Install → Node.js and npm https://nodejs.org/en/download/

# Step #1: Download the Required Files by running the following command

curl -L https://git.io/pudlgfl -o "gulpfile.js" && curl -L https://git.io/pudlpkjs -o "package.json" && curl -L https://git.io/pudlgig -o ".gitignore" && curl -L https://git.io/pudlcg -o "config.js"

# Step #2: Editing the Project Variables config.js file according to your folder structure (Make sure to create style.scss and index.pug files)
# Step #3: Installing Node Dependencies by running
npm install

# Step #4: Finally run
npm start

# Step #5: Your site should be up on http://localhost:3000

📺 Watch a more detailed version on YouTube →

P.S. If you like my work, feel free to share it, like it, and subscribe. Peace! ✌️