#OneDevMinute with Ahmad Awais

#Hacktoberfest — Contribute to Open Source by Learning to Create A Github Pull Request

4 months ago In Git

As a full-time #OpenSourcerer — October is one of my favorite months. And it's October already. Today's #OneDevMinute is about #Hacktoberfest — it's a month long online event where you signup at GitHub.com and Hacktoberfest to celebrate Open Source by contributing at least five times between Oct 1-31. Good folks from DigitalOcean, GitHub, and Twilio will track your open source contributions and upon five successful GitHub pull-requests — you'll receive swag items like a limited edition T-Shirt, stickers, and maybe a few discount codes.

Open source is for everyone, it's not just code — developers, designers, even marketers, and content writers can participate. Improve an open source project's documentation, refactor code, gift that project a new logo design — just participate and celebrate open source in October.

⚠️ Make sure you have Git installed.

# PREREQUISITE: Before getting started
# Download and install Git → https://git-scm.com/downloads
# Create account on https://GitHub.com
# To join #Hacktoberfest signup at → https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/

# Step #1: Fork any open source GitHub repo.
# Step #2: Clone that repo in your local PC.
git clone https://github.com/AhmadAwais/Hacktoberfest

# Step #3: Make changes and commit/push these changes.
git add .
git commit -m "👌 IMPROVE: Performance of fn foo"
git push

# Step #4: Go to your fork, click open `Pull Request` link and create a PR.

📺 Watch a more detailed version on YouTube →

P.S. If you like my work, feel free to share it, like it, and subscribe. Peace! ✌️